Tuesday 28 October 2014

Autumn fungi in Comfort's Wood...

I recently spent a couple of days looking around the woods for fungi. Well, when I say a couple of days, I don't mean literally 2 days solid searching-but I did visit twice and spent maybe a couple of hours each time searching for them.

I will post the pictures with an identity for each that I know, but that probably won't be a high percentage as I am not too hot on pinning down exactly which species I am looking at...

Mycena rosea-The Rosy Bonnet (poisonous)

Mycena rosea-The Rosy Bonnet (poisonous)

Mycena rosea-The Rosy Bonnet (poisonous)

Possibly:Red Cracked Bolete- Boletus chrysenteron (edible)

Wood Ears-Auricularia auricula-judae (edible)

Mycena rosea-The Rosy Bonnet (poisonous)

Macrolepiota procera-the Parasol Mushroom (edible)

Macrolepiota procera-the Parasol Mushroom (edible)

Candle Snuff Fungus-Xylaria hypoxylon (inedible)

The Fly Agaric-Amanita muscaria (poisonous)

Macrolepiota procera-the Parasol Mushroom (edible)

Even though I have marked these as  edible or inedible species, I am NOT recommending you try any mushrooms. You need to be an expert to be certain that they are safe to eat-please don't try eating anything or you could end up with vision like this...or worse...

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