Saturday, 20 September 2014

September morning.....

Now that September is here, the mornings in Comfort's Wood are starting to get quite foggy and damp...

A lightening fast tour of the woods...

Come for a run around the woods with me-you'll have to be quick though, this is at warp speed factor may prefer to have your sound on for this one?


Friday, 12 September 2014

Pond-weed and hog-weed...

Since the work on clearing the larger of the two ponds and coppicing of surrounding trees in 2010, it has now started to look very overgrown again...

There's lots of pond-weed and vegetation again...

I remember shortly after the work was completed, there was no water in the pond at all. In fact, I had a walk round where the water should have been. Now it's starting to look that way again.

There has been some cutting of the huge hog-weed at the pond margins though...

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Damp underfoot...

Back in June I was playing around with light in Comfort's Wood and took a couple of photos with the point and shoot camera...

A little earlier on the same day, I was in the woods photographing the damp conditions...