Monday, 9 November 2020

Autumn update...

 A short blog update to share some images of autumn 2020. It hasn't been a vintage year, but there are still some wonderful colours (and smells) to partake in should you choose to visit...

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Ash dieback work in the woods...

On a visit to Comfort's Wood today it was obvious that Woodland Trust have been busy felling trees affected by Ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus)...

If you'd like some information on this disease, there's plenty on the WOODLAND TRUST website.

Despite the devastation caused to the woods by the disease and associated  work, there are now signs of spring too..

It's really sad to see the woods looking like this but the trust plan to replant native species in time...

Finally, I found some less troublesome fungi...

The woods are still very wet at this time of year and the recent increase in footfall  has contributed to the muddy areas, especially at the Swattenden Lane entrance.

One final note: I have been seeing an ever increasing amount of litter in the woods, again, mainly from the Swattenden Lane entrance. Drinks bottles and cartons, tissues, empty pill bottles and even discarded tents!